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otome camellia

It's the most wonderful time of the year because it's camellia season. This gorgeous bloom was once called usu otome, then Frau Minna Seidel and now "Pink Perfection". I haven't quite represented it's state of pink or perfection, but I'll be thrilled to try another in time.

otome, 3 1/2 x 4 7/8, water-based media on panel, 2015 (available unframed)

Please visit my shop if you are interested in acquiring this piece or another or feel free to make an inquiry here.

river painting

I'm looking forward to seeing the installation photos of this large scale painting.  It was made to provide a "window" in a dining and also to remind the owners of this time and place in their lives.  We also considered that the work might one day be split in two to accommodate a smaller space.  I actually like the idea that a painting could be split, like shares, and still hold up visually, continue to be a part as solid as the whole and provide the service of celebrating, documenting and/or interpreting time and place.

vernon river marsh, water-based media on panel, 4' x 8', 2014

vernon river marsh, water-based media on panel, 4' x 8', 2014

savannah lad holds breath, swims underwater

This afternoon, after a full day of "playing with (his) buddies", David Charles Bucey, who turned two in June, repeatedly swam underwater at the Habersham YMCA pool using both hands and feet to propel him. His mother, wearing an appropriate one piece swimming costume, who had done nothing quite as breathtaking (or spectacular) throughout the day, was duly impressed. katherine sandoz web tybee field no. 1.jpg

tybee field no. 1 oil on canvas 24" x 24" 2006 - 2008

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