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1st dibs

naughty or nice?

This year, for those deserving, I'm recommending paintings - always.  I'm also suggesting works on paper as they are often a very unique and unusual offering of the artist's process and presentation.  They travel light, safely and cheaply.  Last, cost of this work tends to come in slightly lower than those on more substantial substrates.  

I have a number of smaller works on paper available on SANDOZIA.  You may consider some mid to large scale works through the Spalding Nix Fine Art shop on 1st dibs. I also have some very large works (8 feet plus) at the studio. If you wish to inquire about these, please call or email me.

For the naughty set: coal. It's a traditional and classic way to communicate the required message.  For 2015, artist made stockings in paper, fabric or upcycled materials are de rigueur. Maybe you are just the artist?

(color fields) water's edge, 8' x 12', water-based media on paper, 2015

(color fields) water's edge, 8' x 12', water-based media on paper, 2015

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