The best part about this game; originally, this girl had her hair held up by a pencil...not a hole chiseled while she was totally oblivious.
kirby & katherine just the other day prismacolor 2008
The best part about this game; originally, this girl had her hair held up by a pencil...not a hole chiseled while she was totally oblivious.
kirby & katherine just the other day prismacolor 2008
I had posted a drawing that I love and had forgotten that Jon Finch drew that picture. I guess 'cause of the subject matter? I feel terrible. 1) because I forgot 2) 'cause I don't like those types of mistakes 3) I really like Jon (& clearly, his draw hen). 4) In fact, I wish I had more of them.
MH Silva, August 2006
1. We're on "a budget". Come to find out, this means spend no money. I had taken it for make a budget and follow it. For example, if I spend $70 out of $100 for groceries, I get $30. Not so. I'm $9.99 (facial care product) out of bounds and it's only been a week. (Don't write to tell me, "There's tax on that." I know!)
2. My ISP malfunctioned twice this week. Not in my plan for the year, never mind the seven days.
3. Two freezes already. Meaning my plants fail to thrive (stone cold dead).
4. My complexion does not impress me. In other words, for a grown woman, my skin continues to mottle instead of clear. (Hence, budget overdraft...that's my story, anyway.)
5. ABC Financial. How many ways can you spell 'hatechew'?
At least we have chili seasoning. I guess. This child bathes in a zinc tub. He thinks that's hard times. It's not as if I didn't "wash" in one for the first twelve years of my sorry life. Without electric light (but I guess that goes without sayin').
Kim Rosen, friend (& a former student), very talented (& successful) artist, sent this today. December 2007
Folks sure have been looking for images of (or by) Alexander Calder.
katherine sandoz "alexander's eyes" pencil on newsprint december 13, 2007
A couple of photos taken by Emmaline.
August 2007
My blog is one year old. My son more. My goddaughter twice that. A costume party at Isle of Hope. Harper a ballet dancer (sorta).
David a prisoner.
Can you read the ID?
I found this picture of me with the hot stuff coming from my eyes. If this happened in real life, Malibu would look a lot less fiery. horace, october 22, 2007, colored pencil & pen.
Born on September 11th, 2007
Samuel Makover Phoenix Rowell
8 pounds, 3 ounces
and cute, see?
Finally, a picture of little Joshi-Jones.
Maya Joshi Jones born on August 27th, 2007 weighing 7 lbs, 11 ounces 21 inches long.
It's hot as blazes. For real. I have the arthritis (starts with "art") in my right pointer finger as if I'm 400 years old. This dark painting about women, soldiers and summer take hen too much time (making me older and more arthritic). I'm not joking. detail (deep summer paint hen, august 2007)
Miss Rose MargaretTuesday, July 31st, 2007 7 pounds, 3 ounces 19" 5:54 a.m.
rose sleeps, by will wheat, august 1st, 2007
I've been looking at the work of this guy recently. Cliff Path above Cassis 15cm x 13cm, oil on card June 12, 2007
He clearly understands drawing and color (and how the computer can work for the contemporary artist)...though he may not be the most modest. "British still life painter Julian Merrow-Smith is one of the most vibrant artists living and working in Europe today." I think he wrote this. He seems to do everything. Paint, auction, pack, ship, post. He certainly impresses me in his dedication and professionalism. I'm slightly critical of the paintings of peaches (even though most are beautiful). It seems he'd want to paint a greater variety of objects on the rainy, snowy days (or when he doesn't have the time). But, then, who doesn't need a fine technician's painting of peaches?
Peches du Pays 15cm x 10cm (6"x4"), oil on card June 06, 2007
I do (would want one).
While painting, I'm just wondering who sections the mandarins that my son eats? "raccoon bluff beach no. 2" 35" x 25" oil on canvas mid summer 2007
Wasn't I just sayin'? I'm not the only one thinking about the defining nature of hair. (And no newsstands in Vernonburg.)
Ivan Brunetti for The New Yorker, May 7, 2007
We know the rapscallions live in closets, swamps, under beds and sometimes along dark (commonly dirt) roads. You recognize them by their yellowish green eyes, the hair, scales or blemishes and by the amount of snot they fling.
One source says "no evidence" to support idea that deliveries increase based on phases of the moon (pretty site, btw), HOWEVER, I think otherwise. Preggo ticker: Z39, M22, N18, TM17, TH9.
Last image to go to the Bohemian. A sure delivery today.
"she may be a jedi" 30" x 24" mixed media 2007
We (David and I, Dan watching) were practicing downward facing dog and then suddenly David stood up and took four freakin' steps tonight...minutes ago...nine months and one Dan and I are thrilled to have shared this tender moment. (March 12, 2007...approximately 8 p.m. EST)
I sent some of my images to New American Paintings for the southeastern states issue coming out in June 2007. Even though I'm sure my work is "new", "American" and pretty sure, it's actually "painting," I'm not very sure they will think so. "to tybee faster #2" 10" x 8" oil on canvas